Monday, September 10, 2007

Thank You Mr. Boulé

Milton Boulé, one of our most persistent researchers, has decided to share his family findings with us. He is descended from Robert Boulé and his wife, Francoise Garnier. The couple settled in Ste. Famille on L'Ile d'Orleans in 1663.

Some of his ancestors also walked with Champlain. He'll receive his button for being able to claim his connection to that exclusive society. You can see the Noel Langlois/Milton Boulé descendant tree at

The file folder with Milton's research can be found in the filing cabinet that contains the file folders on local families located near the windows in our library.

He remembers his uncle who was a hobo in the 1930s. He only saw him twice. He has stories of family members who drowned by falling through the ice while riding their sleighs. Some of his family members escaped the British impress gangs near Quebec City and had descendants who came to the United States. Others emigrated to Wisconsin. Milton met his wife, Rose Fasanella, a first-generation American with Italian parents, while working in New Jersey during World War II.

Thank you, Mr. Boulé, for sharing your story.

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